Public Space for all Nations

Good public spaces enhance community cohesion and promote health, happiness, and wellbeing for all citizens.

It has been with this quote that UN Habitat launched the Global Public Space Programme in an aim to improve the quality of public spaces worldwide. Of course, without doubt, the programme stands for a crucial challenge to make our urbanised world better, but what to do? The ideas on this have been matured and agreements seem to saturate the scope at the recent Habitat III conference held last week in Quito. A list of final set criteria is emerging, but this cannot mean that we’re done… By no means this listing will work if stakeholders do not accept that people gather on a variety of places around the globe, in a variety of cultures, hence not just in those urban spaces which are created by Western idealists’ minds: publicly-owned outdoor space.
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Beijing Design Week 2016

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The Netherlands continues strong partnership
with Beijing Design Week in 2016

The key goal of these various initiatives is to explore a more holistic approach to design, connecting important issues such as quality of life and human needs. The Netherlands attaches great importance to creativity and innovation in general and to the creative industries in particular. It is therefore also our goal to foster more collaboration with China in this field by means of solid partnerships.

Netherlands Embassy in Beijing




For Example Delft

Delft University of Technology
Julianalaan 132-134

Our conference ‘For Example Delft’ addressing approaches in architecture education: What to teach in the context of Radical Realities? What to learn from the Humanisation of Design? How to prepare for Multi-Actor Approaches? How to be qualified in an age of Animated & Automated Creation? – with resp. Merete Ahnfeldt-Mollerup (Royal Danish Academy) Peter Staub (University of Liechtenstein) Maria Rubert de Ventós (ETSAB) and Thomas Bock (TU München). In the evening: Laura Lee (Carnegie Mellon University) and Diane Ghirardo (University of Southern California).


EAAE Annual Conference & Assembly September 2016 (available in 2016)
European Association for Architectural Education / Association Européenne pour l’Enseignement de l’Architecture

EAAE logo

Human Cities and Activity Data

What may happen if we track people? Since Human released their first app version in September last year, they’ve collected over 55 million activities. This set of valuable activity data is growing crazy fast. Human Cities is their first attempt to translate data into useful insights. Interesting example bringing tech into life science!
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Public Space and Domesticity

Interior architecture needs urgently new approaches to research, notate and analyse interiors, explicitly interconnecting the complex and layered world of the city.

The KU Leuven and interior architecture students have been exploring the boundaries between public and private spaces, and between architecture and social sciences. Their experiments pay much attention to human action in the public space in order to decipher its meaning. What is the interior in a globalised, complex and layered world? How do private worlds manifest in the public space and vice versa how does the world echo into the interior?

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Entering a Living Lab

In a fast urbanising world, cities and metropolitan regions increasingly face challenges of sustainability and quality of life challenges that put at risk issues of mobility and logistics, water and waste management, energy and food security, health and wellbeing. A new two-year master programme Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering (MSc MADE) integrates analysis, design and engineering; the physical, digital and social environments; and the city and its citizens. These challenges are motivating science and society to approach metropoles differently. Advanced metropolitan solutions are being made possible by today’s revolution of new technologies, theories and methods. But no actor or stakeholder can make metropoles move in one certain direction. Metropolitan solutions require cooperation between knowledge institutes, companies, governments, between cities, citizens and civil society.

2016 0414 AMS Institute LivingLab Amsterdam
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Design and People



Design and People
Bringing the Urban and Architectural Together

on invitation of
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

18 April 2016

Faculty of Architecture
University of Zagreb

Room 422
Andrije Kačića Miošića Street
Zagreb, Croatia



Dizajn i Ljudi
Objedinjujući Urbanistički i Arhitektonski

na pozivu
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

18 Travanj 2016

Arhitektonski Fakultet
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Učiónica 422
Ulica Andrije Kačića Miošića
Zagreb, Hrvatska


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EAAE GA and Conference 2016

For Example Delft: A Case Study discussed in the Context of Institutional Profile(s) and the Future of Architectural Education.
31st August – 3rd September 2016

Conference registration starts 10 April 2016
Find the link on the EAAE website

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Communities and Cities in Japan

Dual Lectures
Blurring Architecture, Urban Design and Planning at
14th March 2016, 13:30 – 17:00h

Delft University of Technology
Berlage Rooms
Julianalaan 132-134

In two cross-cultural lectures, views on architecture, urban design and planning merge. Yushi Uehara and Maurice Harteveld exchange observations in Japanese cities; from the inside-out and outside-in.
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Constructing the Commons

Constructing the Commons at
Delft University of Technology

3rd – 4th March 2016

Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Julianalaan 134
2628 BL Delft

Investigating ‘the commons’ at the intersection of philosophy, sociology and architecture, keynote speakers Atelier Bow-Wow, Richard Sennett, Margaret Crawford, Paola Viganò and George Baird, discuss the city, public space and social practices during this conference.
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