Mobility and Urban Development

Participants of the 2019 summer school will explore interdisciplinary approaches towards a sustainable integration of designing disciplines for smart urban mobility and the new urban development area Haven-Stad in Amsterdam. They will deal with the following themes: the role and function of smart urban mobility, including mobility as a service (MaaS) and emerging mobility options; travel behaviour of a growing number of users; sustainability challenges and fairness in transport planning; public and semi-public spaces (and social dynamics therein); exploration of alternative, marginal and emerging social uses of urban developments as meeting places and culture; urban integration in the overall mobility system; the interface between architecture and infrastructure with the urban fabric; programming of future transport nodes and the accessibility to and from such transport hubs of all types of smart mobilities (e.g. conventional public transport, shared mobility, autonomous taxis, etc.).

When: 19-26 August
Where: AMS Institute
Costs: € 200,– (field excursions, lectures and tutoring)

The application deadline is June 14th 2019. The application should include: full name, email address, cell phone number, university, faculty, study program (incl.field of discipline), CV and a motivation letter (maximum of 100 words). Admission will be based on evaluation on CV and motivation letter.

More info
Download the Summer School Flyer for more information.

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