Reclaiming the Human Space

Delft University of Technology and
Beijing University of Technology at
Beijing Design Week

Exhibition 1

Reclaiming the Human Space
on invitation of
Netherlands Embassy in Beijing
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs

23rd September – 30th October 2015

The Nurturing House, Dashilar
21 Sanjing Hutong (near Meishi Street)
Xicheng District, Beijing

In the past decade, Beijing has focused on overall strategies for its rapid urban development. New functional zones, land-use layout, and a comprehensive traffic system, laid the basis for a booming urban economy, and widespread social wealth. Iconic buildings by global starchitects, including works by the ‘Big Dutch’, are evidence of this development. The city has been reshaped. Yet, along its motorways, and in its streets and alleys, we see other images of the city. People feel lost, houses are dilapidated, and the quality of urban spaces is relatively low. The current generation of international design students is taking on these big small-scale issues. Their designs show a more human-centred approach. Therefore, they take the culture of the city as their starting point and work across disciplines in search of answers. A clear paradigm shift. The collaborating universities of technology in Delft and Beijing strongly support this people-oriented approach by means of research. Here they present the outcome of recent studio work as a visual manifesto, forecasting four major challenges in the long-term development trend of the city: Humanisation of Infrastructural Wastelands; Integration of Modernist Fragments; Recreation of Community Places; Rehabilitation of Daily-Life Environments.





西城区, 北京



dr ir Maurice Harteveld, curator and project leader
department Urbanism | Urban Design
Delft University of Technology

Design & Research Team Members
dr ir Roberto CAVALLO, dr ir Xiaoxi HUI, dr Bing JIANG, dr ir Susanne KOMOSSA,
ir Sien VAN DAM, ir Steven Steenbruggen, Manuela TRIGGIANESE, and Xialu WANG, with
Joe BAILEY, Lennart VAN HEIJNINGEN, and Niels BALJET (team 1)
Martina ROTILIO, Carsten SMINK, and David SVAHN (team 2)
Shengnan ZHANG, Siyi LI, Xinluo WANG, and Na LI (team 3)
Ieva LENDRAITYTĖ, Kate UNSWORTH, (team 4, also expo designers with Xinyi ZHOU)

Expo 2 at The Shijia Hutong Museum Annex


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