Everyone Contributes

Singapore has been undergoing a fast growth scheme in a short time frame. No single person, no single firm or institution, not even a single government can solve all themselves. So, within the international Vertical Cities Asia competition, exactly this is challenged in the Paya Lebar area. How to house hundred-thousand people per square kilometre in the future?

One of the two design propositions introduces a hierarchical framework to distribute the responsibilities on problem-solving into the city scales and their actors in order to enable all Singaporeans to contribute. This project is a manifesto in which a new organisational structure is created. It divides according to the people and their roles in the society – government and city; community representatives and neighbourhood; community and block; household and building unit. The goal is to tackle challenges that emerge from the location in the most efficient way. The second design propositions introduces nodes, which enable Singapore’s development area to absorb the massive scale into manageable portions that in themselves resist delusions of grandeur and neutralise the threat of an alienating confrontation between the ‘old’ and ‘new’ Singapore. Through design, it intends to set up physical space that provides the opportunities for social interaction, networks and self-expression for the people, and ultimately, housing, developing and bridging life towards a future of sustained vitality. The two proposition work best together.

6th – 10th July 2015
National University of Singapore
School of Design and Environment, Exhibition Hall (Level 1, SDE 1)
4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566

Vertical Cities Asia 2015 - TUDelft first proposition

Project Supervisors:
dr ir Maurice HARTEVELD, Stefan DE KONING, and ir Yannis TSOSKOUNOGLOU

Design & Research Team Members:
Nina DALLA BERNARDINA, Martin DENNEMARK, Dylan JANSE, Yu Wai LI, Hui LIN, Kai TEMKOVITZ, Tristan VAN HAM, and Sietse VAN ELDEREN (first proposition, shown above)
Francesco BARONE, Dore BLAY, Maryam BEHPOUR, Gijs de HAAN, Ronald Long Kwan KAM, Rakesh, Naduvath MANA, Francesca MAVARACHIO, and Jeroen UBELS (second proposition)

Vertical Cities Asia
School of Design and Environment, NUS
World Future Foundation
The Great City | 立体城市

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