On Routing and Orientation in City Centres
The chair of Urban Design at the TU Delft is participating in the Spatial Metro project on routing and orientation in city centres. This project focuses on the improvement of city centres. Other partners are the cities of Norwich, Bristol, Rouen and Koblenz, the University of East Anglia, the School of Environmental Sciences and the School of Computing Sciences, the University of Koblenz and the Swiss Pedestrian Association.
The project team has organized a three-day workshop from February 15 to 17, 2006: including lecture series and a walkshops to feed knowledge to the participants, and a design workshop to advance understanding of routing and orientation. The subjects are the inner cities of the project partners: particularly the city centres of Norwich, Rouen, Bristol and Koblenz. The walkshop organised for this occasion has also been a discovery of the city as well as a test on how people (participants) actually are moving through the city and what their perception is.
Added from Van der Spek, Stefan (2008, September) Spatial Metro, Tracking Pedestrians in Historic City Centres, IN: Research in Urbanism Series, [S.l.], Vol. 1, pp. 77-97
Three-day workshop organised by Frank van der Hoeven and Stefan van de Spek (project leaders), with Willem Hermans and Maurice Harteveld