Making the Metropolis

The Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS), Delft Deltas, Infrastructures & Mobility Initiative (DIMI), the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) and Delft University of Technology join together in the organisation of the interdisciplinary 2017 Summer School: Making the Metropolis, Exploring Interdisciplinary Approaches in Design Engineering. (22 to 30 August 2017, in Delft and Amsterdam)

This summer school starts from the observation that today’s revolution of new technologies, theories and methods are making advanced metropolitan solutions possible, but acknowledges that no single actor or stakeholder can make metropoles move in a specific direction. Metropolitan solutions require cooperation between knowledge institutes, companies and governments, as well as between cities, citizens and civil society.

By participating to this summer school, you will explore interdisciplinary approaches in metropolitan design engineering starting from the analytical methods which you share with other participants. While working in interdisciplinary and intercultural groups, you will challenge some pivotal questions of world’s globalisation processes: How to keep our cities connected and vital? How to develop integral solutions for urgent societal problems related to vital infrastructure for water safety and smart mobility? How to accomplish sustainable answers on these questions? And, how to aim for a circular city simultaneously? By using Amsterdam as test-bed and design location, you apply and highlights strategies to a practical implementation of sustainable solutions.

In this summer school, you will span disciplinary boundaries and test lessons learned at the home institution by focusing on cross-over themes. You will collaborate in teams; an approach, which is motivated by the observation that an increasing amount of disciplines focus on the city and need to work together. It seems a matter of course, as more and more people live in cities, an increasing amount of people are engaged with the city like you. This includes both the number of professionals, and the amount of professions. For instance, from economists and social scientist to agriculturalist and biologists, in all cases senses shift along. All are putting a light on the metropolis too. We see the shift most explicitly in the traditional design professions, in the built environment. Of all disciplines, a growing variety of specialists are engineering designs collaboratively. Disciplines work together in order to facilitate the urbanisation processes and upgrade the urban fabric. Architects, urban designers and planners, environmental designers and scientists, landscape architects, and for example experts involved in transport, infrastructure and logistics, all have to work together in improving the metropolis. This summer school brings you, as one of them, in connection with other designers for the physical environment. Being all co-creators of the metropolis, jointly you explore shared ways of doing: Internationally and Interdisciplinary. It will be a major step towards your future practice – no matter what you will do – facing the fact that a larger majority of the world population lives in urbanised areas. From the sustainable understanding of the globalisation challenges, you explore what to design if we approach ongoing urbanisation from multiple viewpoints at the same time.

What will you bring in to keep our cities fit for the future?

2017 Summer School website:
Making the Metropolis

More information:
Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS)
Delft Deltas, Infrastructures & Mobility Initiative (DIMI)
International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)
Delft University of Technology

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