After one Year without Public Space

Wrapping up a challenging year with a final online 2-day symposium ‘2020 A Year Without Public Space: Reflections & Outlook’ to reflect and plan ahead for 2021, particularly in the aspects of Cities & Health, Digital Public Space, Innovative Approaches & Creative Practices, and Campus as Public Space.

2020 passes in a blink. COVID-19 completely changed our world, our work, our school, and our daily life routine. COVID-19 also changed the public space where we for the first time have to stay away with during global lockdown, spaces where we perhaps took for granted for joyous gatherings, block parties, after-school hangouts, parks where we share experiences, exchange a thought, bump into neighbours and colleagues, have become cold spaces for disseminating hygiene items and food supplies, testing cases, or otherwise deserted and fenced off. Yet, at the same time, new spaces emerge, bike lanes, pedestrianized zones, pop-up installations, eateries and street stalls have found their ways in many cities and administrations. Coming to the end of 2020, we feel that now it’s the time to look back, reflect, and plan ahead.

2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic – Reflections & Outlook
International Symposium
6-7 November 2020
register at:

Please be welcome at one of the sessions on Day 1 and Day 2, and particularly to the roundtable discussion and closing remarks.

Programme Day 1 | Nov 6

09:00AM (UTC +8)
Opening Remarks
Hendrik Tieben, Cy Chiu, Tung Fung,

09:15AM (UTC +8)
Reframing the Role of Public Space in the Age of Pandemics
Diane Brand, Setha Low, Vikas Mehta, Mahak Agrawal, Miodrag Mitransinovic

11:00AM (UTC +8)
Emergence of Digital Public Space – harnessing the power of data
Tat Lam, Timothy Jachna, Manfredo Manfredini, Jeroen Van Ameijde

01:45PM (UTC +8)
Cities and Health – Governmental and institutional roles in building resilient communities
Riduan Ngesan, Min Jay Kang, Mee Kam Ng, Corrin Chan

05:15PM (UTC +8)
Innovative Approaches and Creative Practices
Katelijn Verstraete, Maggie McCormick, Fiona Hillary, Floor Van Ditzhuyzen, Luisa Bravo

08:00PM (UTC +8)
Campus as Public Space in the Age of Pandemics
Raymond Chan, Peter Lennie, José Escamilla, Hendrik Tieben

Programme Day 2 | Nov 7

09:00AM (UTC +8)
Cities and Health – Role of research and design in creating sustainable and healthy cities
Lee Beattie, Jason Gilliland, Kevin Lau, Kai Gu

10:45AM (UTC +8)
Cities and Health – Creating Healthy Neighborhoods
Albert Lee, Kim Dirks, Leigh Wilson, Kevin Hsu

01:15PM (UTC +8)
Cities and Health – Combating health disparities in high density and informal communities
Jean Woo, Kt Suresh, Wael Sinno, Gregor H. Mews

Roundtable Discussion and Closing Remarks

03:00PM (UTC +8)
2020 Reflection and outlook after a year without public space
Jim Walker, Maurice Harteveld, Jose Chong, Luisa Bravo, Hendrik Tieben

04:45PM (UTC +8)
Virtual Hong Kong Public Space Tour
led by Walk in Hong Kong

The symposium is hosted by the School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with World Universities Network, City Space Architecture, The Journal of Public Space, Institute of Future Cities.

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