Design for Values Symposium

On the occasion of its Dies Natalis celebration, the Delft University of Technology together with the Delft Design for Values Institute has organised a symposium on Design for Values.

Design for Values means making design choices with explicit reference to and for reasons of moral and social values throughout the entire design or engineering process. The symposium centers around research supporting design for values, with a focus on Value Dynamics (how to design for values that change over time) and Value Conflicts (how to deal with frictions that emerge between two or more values within design and engineering processes).

The symposium comprises keynote speeches from two honorary doctors, awarded by the university, as well as interactive sessions in which Delft researchers share and discuss their work with the honorary doctors and the audience. The event will encompass what it means to design for values, and investigate how to address the urgent need for engineers and designers to systematically and critically reflect on the social impact of their designs and technologies.

New technologies and designs will lead to successful new breakthroughs when they are designed for the moral and social values people hold. This requires making design choices with explicit reference to and for reasons of moral and social values throughout the entire design and engineering process of technologies, products, services, spaces, and systems. The Delft Design for Values Institute aims at offering tools and methods to designers and engineers for strengthening this practice and conducts and stimulates research on how to explicitly design for values.

Programme Design for Values Symposium

10:00 – Opening
Welcome word by Pieter Vermaas
Introduction Design for Values by Jeroen van den Hoven
Case presentation by Stefan Aarninkhof
Case presentation by David Abbink

10:30 – Session Value Dynamics
Keynote by Batya Friedman
Professor University of Washington Department of Human-Centered Design & Engineering
Co-Director Value Sensitive Design Lab

Pitches from Roy Bendor, Maurice Harteveld, and Ibo van de Poel
Discussion moderated by Nynke Tromp

11:50 – *break*

12:30 – Session Value Conflict
Keynote by Marco Steinberg
Founder & CEO of Snowcone & Haystack, Helsinki, Finland
Pitches from Marja Elsinga, Doris van Halem, and Alan Hanjalic
Discussion moderated by Hessel Winsemius

13:50 – Wrap up

At 15:00 the 178th Dies Academic Ceremony of the TU Delft starts in the Auditorium, including Reflections on the symposium. DDfV’s board member and professor Paul Hekkert will give a keynote during this ceremony; the Dies Natalis Lecture. It is also traditionally the moment for the bestowing of Honorary Doctorates.

10 January 2020

Collegezaal A
Aula Conference Center
Mekelweg 5, Delft
The Netherlands

The symposium is free of charge and open to all interested.

more about the Delft Design for Values Institute, and its Dies symposium.

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